
A-Ness Reflective Blog Post (5th Period)

In Uncategorized on May 10, 2013 at 12:12 am

Group A-Ness Blog Reflection (Period 5)

(Sam Gabales, Zoe Keskey, Katrina Kalamar, Christina Olivieri)


Works Cited:

Achmawi, Randa. “Colombia Awakens to the Arab World.” Brazil-Arab News Agency, 21 July 2009. Web. Apr. 2013.


“Arab-Latin-American Forum.” Arlaforumcom. Arab-Latin-American Forum, 2012. Web. 29 April 2013.


“Arab, Palestinian of Colombia.” Joshua Project. US Center for World Mission, n.d. Web. 25 May 2013. <>.


“Arabian Falconry History | Bible Discovered.” Bible DiscoveredRSS. Arabian Falconry History, 11 Jan. 2011. Web. April.  2013.


Berry, LaVerle, Glenn E. Curtis, Rex A. Hudson, and Nina A. Kollars. “A Global Overview of Narcotics-Funded Terrorist and Other Extremist Groups.” The Library of Congress, May 2002. Web. Apr. 2013.


“Boletín Cultural Y Bibliográfico.” Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango. Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2013. <;.


Jadid, Al. “Arabs Making Their Mark in Latin America: Generations of Immigrants in Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico | Al Jadid Magazine.” Arabs Making Their Mark in Latin America: Generations of Immigrants in Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico | Al Jadid Magazine. Al Jadid Magazine, 2000. Web. 29 April 2013.


Luxner, Larry. “The Arabs of Brazil.” Saudi Aramco World Sept.-Oct. 2005: 18-23. Print.


Salloum, Habeeb. “Arabs Making Their Mark in Latin America: Generations of Immigrants in Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico.” Al Jadid Winter 2000: n. pag. Print.

Evaluation of 2 Major Sources:

“A Global Overview of Narcotics-Funded Terrorist and Other Extremist Groups” is a report prepared by the Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. It was published in 2002, which was recent enough for our presentation because Chronicle of a Death Foretold was set in the mid 20th century. It is relevant to our presentation because the report addresses the largest Islamic community in Colombia. Many of the Arab immigrants to Colombia were Christian because they came from countries like Lebanon and Syria with a significant Christian population. However, our presentation needed to address the rest of the Arab immigrants that were not Christians. This source is reliable because it comes from a team of researchers that received funding from the U.S. government. The report has multiple sources cited within it. The purpose of the report was to provide more information on narcotics-funded terrorist groups. This is topical because the largest Islamic community in Colombia has ties to these terrorist groups.

Arabs Making Their Mark in Latin America: Generations of Immigrants in Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico is an essay that was published in Al Jadid. It was written during the Winter of 2000. This essay was written to inform the audience about the different cultures that migrated to Colombia and helped shape its culture. The essay is relevant to our presentation because it shows how diverse the history of Colombia is. It also focuses specifically on the Arab community, which is the topic of our presentation. This source is reliable and credible, because the magazine has a good reputation of being politically correct. The magazine is also fact-checked.


Summary of Ideas Derived from Discussion:

  • Split community based on race (Arabs vs. others)

    • Community thinks that they are unified but Santiago’s death bring out this problem

    • The fact that the Colombians have a separate name for the Arabs (Turks) shows the cultural divide that they are creating in the village.

  • Due to this split (^^^) there’s an emotional disconnection between the non-Arabs and Arabs

    • Possible explanation for the community members’ motivation for NOT warning Santiago de Nasar that the Vicario brothers were planning killing him

  • Metaphor: The town has an “illness”

    • What are the symptoms?

      • Is the split community a symptom of this disease or the disease itself?

    • They didn’t recognize their illness until the murder of Santiago

      • The narrator doesn’t really emphasize any distinct separation between the Arabs and other town members–> perhaps he was unaware of it

      • When they realized it, they dealt with it in various ways

        • Ex/ Santiago’s fiance ran away with a man, Bayardo becomes a drunkard temporarily



Description of Obstacles and Solutions:

One of the obstacles our group faced was that our video was too short once we put all of our individual parts together. However, it was easy for us to solve this because we had more than enough research in the first place. All we had to do was include some of the information we had originally cut out.

At first, it was hard to find reliable information about our topic. One way solved this was by expanding our topic so that it was not too specific. Another way was that we used different keywords.

Another obstacle was that we were having technological problems. iMovie creates a certain file that does not directly translate into what it originally was. When we tried to work on the video from our houses, none of us could open it. We solved this by working on it at school and redid the whole video using a different technique, which was much easier than the first technique.

The iMovie file after it was finished was not able to send. This created more problems because we were not able send our imovie file to everyone. A solution to this problem was to put it on YouTube and send the YouTube link to everyone in the class.

Another obstacle was an uneven work distribution between group members. The main reason for this was that we didn’t schedule enough time to complete certain parts of the presentation. We had a clear schedule planned out, but we didn’t anticipate that adjusting and editing various aspects of the video/slideshow would take a lot more time than we had previously thought. Because some group members were unable to stay late after school, a large portion of the extra work fell into the hands of two of the group members.

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